Poor paddy works on the railway
Poor paddy works on the railway

poor paddy works on the railway

This thought is repeated in the refrain at the end of each verse.

poor paddy works on the railway poor paddy works on the railway

The genuine feeling that does come across quite clearly, however, is that Paddy is weary of working on the railway. The reference to O’Connell tells us very little except that the song isn’t so much relating a story as laying down specific and sometimes random thoughts– a characteristic of many songs in the shanty tradition. He was a major figure in Irish history but had no significant connection with railways or their employees. poor Paddy works on the railway G In eighteen hundred and forty two. In 1841, Paddy puts his corduroy britches on and gets to work. O’Connell was an Irish politician and nationalist campaigner. Poor Paddy On The Railway - The Dubliners / From the album A drop of the hard. Paddy here refers to Irish workers in general rather than any one individual. In the fifth verse, there’s a random reference to Daniel O’Connell being alive in 1845. In subsequent verses he sails across the sea, he lands in Columbia and later he changes his trade to carrying bricks. In 1842 we learn he didn’t “know what to do” to work on the railway. Paddy here refers to Irish workers in general rather than any one individual. Poor Paddy Works on the Railway follows a simple, repetitive structure telling the story of one or possibly several navvies between 18. ‘Paddy’ refers to Irish workers in general The Irish worked on every major railway, road and canal in the UK. They had to be tough and they carried out their crippling work on a diet made up largely of bread, meat and beer. Thousands jumped at the chance to earn a living as a rail worker. In the mid 19th century, famine torn Ireland was a rich source of young men looking for work. The thousands of Irish labourers employed building Britain’s rail and canal network were known as navigators, which became shortened to navvies – a name that was to be associated with Irish workers for more than a hundred years. He might also have credited the Irish with building Britain’s railways and canals.

  • wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Crimean_Railway_4.Broadcaster David Frost once joked that the British owed their roads to two great nations: the Romans and the Irish.
  • dbpedia-eu:Poor Paddy Works on the Railway.
  • dbpedia-de:Poor Paddy Works on the Railway.
  • wikidata:Poor Paddy Works on the Railway.
  • yago-res:Poor Paddy Works on the Railway.
  • freebase:Poor Paddy Works on the Railway.
  • Beste hainbat izenburuz ere ezagutzen da: "Pat Works on the Railway ("Pat Trenbidean Lanean"), Paddy on the Railway ("Paddy Trenbidean") eta Paddy Works on the Erie ("Paddy Erie-n lanean"). Abestia Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako trenbideak eraikitzen aritu ziren irlandar etorkinei buruz mintzo da, berez Paddy izena irlandarrak izendatzeko ezizen ezaguna delarik.
  • Poor Paddy Works on the Railway (euskaraz Paddy Gaixoa Trenbidean Lanean) Irlanda eta Ipar Amerikako abesti herrikoi bat da.
  • wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Crimean_Railway_4.jpg?width=300.
  • "Paddy Works on the Erie" is another version of the song. There are numerous titles of the song including, "Pat Works on the Railway" and "Paddy on the Railway" and "Fillimiooriay". The song portrays an Irish worker working on a railroad. Historically, it was often sung as a sea shanty.
  • "Poor Paddy Works on the Railway" is a popular Irish folk and American folk song (Roud 208).
  • baita Irlandatik kanpoko talde eta abeslariek ere: Ewan MacColl eta abeslariak, nahiz The Kelly Family taldeak ere. Musika talde ugarik abestu izan dute, bereziki Irlandaek: The Clancy Brothers, Luke Kelly eta The Dubliners, The Wolfe Tones, The Pogues. Es ist mit der Nummer 208 im Roud Folk Song Index eingetragen. Das Lied ist unter verschiedenen Titeln bekannt, darunter Pat Works on the Railway, Paddy on the Railway, Paddy Works on the Erie und Fillimiooriay. In dem Stück geht es um einen irischen Arbeiter, der am Aufbau einer Eisenbahnstrecke arbeitet.
  • Poor Paddy Works on the Railway ist ein irischer und amerikanischer Folksong, der auch als Seemannslied gesungen wird.

  • Poor paddy works on the railway